That which is known as “matter” not only forms the basis of apparent “solidity”, “tangibility” and persistence of our surroundings, but also forms the basis of the mainstream sciences, including, but not limited to chemistry, biology and the material based sciences.
Even physics, whether conventional or theoretical, has its basis within the context of a three dimensional, material framework, assuming that the 3 dimensional Universe is fundamentally comprised of “particles” of various sizes and characteristics.
The first question we must ask then is “what is the matter” that people have come to accept as “real”?
This is actually an extremely relevant question, in that every “thing” that people believe to be “solid” and “real”, and indeed the basis of their very existence and experience is made of what we are told is “matter” in various forms..
After all, your home seems to be “solid”, your car seems to be “solid”, even your body and the bodies of those around you seem to be “solid”.
The question of “matter” and “solidity” is also extremely relevant from the perspective of “creating” your “reality”, since your experience is entirely with reference to material “things”, the perception being that in order to influence these material things in the desired direction, “matter” itself, which is deemed to be “solid”, must also be influenced in some way, for example through physical effort.
To begin to place this into perspective, look around you for a minute.
What do you “see” or think you “see”?
Your PC, desk, chairs, walls, door, even your drink and food – indeed everything around you – seems to be “solid” or “tangible” in some way. After all you can see it, touch it, hear it, and in the case of your food you can even taste and smell it, and therefore surely it must be “real” – but is it really real?
In order to begin to arrive at answers to these questions we must ask further questions.
What is “matter” made of?
“Molecules and atoms” you may reply.
But what are “molecules” and “atoms” made of?
If you know somethinng about physics you might reply “sub-atomic particles”.
If you know much about “particle physics”, you may even mention protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, leptons, gluons etc – the “particles” so far observed by science.
But if we “drill down” in to the nature of any “solid object” far enough, we finally see that in reality, what is generally believed to be solid “matter” or material, is actually more like the Russian “ested oll” also known as the “Matryoshka” or “Babushka” Doll.
A Matryoshka Doll is a hollow figurine, often made of wood, that contains within it several progressively smaller figurines of the same shape and appearance. So if you open the outer “figurine” you will find a smaller version of the figurine inside, and so on down through the various “layers” of dolls until finally reaching the innermost doll after which no further dolls exist.
Usually there are a total of seven such dolls in a nested arrangement.
Now let us look at a specific example of how this applies to more familiar objects.
Take a look at the desk upon which your computer rests.
What is it “made” of?
“Wood” you might say – or some other apparently solid, flat material.
Let us now imagine that you have an extremely powerful microscope that you can place upon the surface of the desk and you look down through the lens.
What do you see now?
First you will see the “grain” of the wood, but as you progressively increase the magnification you would begin to see the cells of the wood, keeping in mind that “wood” is an “organic material” just like your own body.
As you continue to increase the magnification further you would see the sub-cellular structure such as the nucleus of the individual cells.
Increase the magnification still further and you begin to see the atomic structure of the molecule.
Continue to increase magnification still further and the nucleus of the atom comes in to view together with its subatomic components or “particles”, protons, neutrons and electrons, all “orbiting” the atom as planets orbit the Sun.
Continuing to increase magnification still further, to “drill down” further beyond the primary subatomic nucleus level, we find even more basic particles known as a “quarks” associated with protons.
In the case of a proton you may notice associated quarks – one of which moves in an “upward” direction, and the remaining two moving in a “downwards” direction.
Now you may wonder what holds the atom together. After all, with all this spinning and orbiting going on, these subatomic particles could simply “spin-off” somewhere.
If we return to our super-high powered microscope and increase the magnification even further, then we see that there is a sort of a subatomic “superglue” present, keeping all the subatomic elements of the atom “glued” in place within the nucleus. These are appropriately called “gluons”.
If we now continue to increase magnification still further, suddenly we notice that there is nothing left but “empty space”.
Actually the “space” is not “empty” at all – nowhere in the Universe – in All Existence – is “empty” in absolute terms. What appears to be “empty space” is actually “filled” by a seamless continuum of what we may refer to in absolute terms as “Energy”, even though Universal Energy cannot be observed through scientific instruments.
A Quanta of Energy may be considered to be the most fundamental and discreet “unit” of Energy of which All is ultimately comprised.
So what then does this tell us about the nature of for example a “desk”.
Quite simply that the “desk” has no “solid”, “tangible” or even “real” basis in fact.
The desk instead is 99.99….% comprised of “nothingness”, “glued” together, not by any “physical”, “material” or scientifically described force, but through conscious observation – but only in a transient form, keeping in mind that “time” does not exist – and only at the equivalent “level” in which it is being “observed” or “experienced”.
So what does this imply about the nature of “matter” generally if the desk is not as “real” as you first believed it to be?
Herein then is the first apparent paradox.
The desk actually has no basis in fact except to the extent that you “believe” it exists.
It is only your “belief” that the desk is “real”, that it “exists”, and that the desk is where you “expect” it to be that actually causes it to appear “real” in that “place”.
If you did not believe the desk to be “real” then the desk would not and could not appear to you as “real”, tangible or “solid” in any way.
Of course this belief “feeds upon itself” to the point that there is no reason to believe that the desk is not real, therefore it must be real.
This apparent paradox is brought about by what I have termed the “Experiential Loop” which we will discuss in a further blog post.
In other blog posts, we have discussed “objects” within the context of “space-time” – the physical Universe of matter and associated particles intermingled with what is called “time”.
However, in reality even “space-time” does not even exist, and therefore the entire space-time paradigm of the material or “particle” based sciences cannot possibly exist, and indeed do not exist in absolute terms.
The native state of The All, The Whole, Universal Mind is in the form of “Waves of Energy” of Infinite Potential influenced by Mind and Consciousness.
“Space-time” is fundamentally native Universal Energy transiently collapsed from wave form to particle form under the influence of observation, which is in a transient state, and therefore not “real” in absolute terms, although Experiential Loop causes particles to appear to be “real”.
Only Energy in the form of “Waves” is Native and Real. Energy in the apparent form of Particles is collapsed and “unreal”. Nothing that is unreal can therefore be true.
Now I realise that this seems paradoxical, even confusing, but before we can begin to influence Energy towards our desired Experience, it is crucial to understand the real nature of “matter”, that it is not “solid” or “fixed” in any way, but is rather infinitely “malleable” under the influence of Mind to any “thing” we wish to Experience.
As previously mentioned, I have termed the process by which humans experience the so called “physical world the “Experiential Loop” and which will be the subject of a further blog post.
And So It Is.